Paleo diet benefits. Recipes for beginners and cookbook

Hop onto the Paleo diet train like millions of others and start to eat what our ancestors ate.

If you are looking to bring a better change in your life then look no further than the fastest growing diet trend in the world that hardly feels like dieting at all! Hop onto the Paleo diet train like millions of others and start to eat what our ancestors ate. Pure and natural food without all the horrors of the modern food manufacturing processes.

Get amazing health benefits that you will only find when you get close to nature and start enjoying life to the fullest. Leave all these unnatural ingredients behind and drop weight, improve your health and live a healthier, happy and a better life!

Paleo diet benefits. Recipes for beginners and cookbook

The Paleolithic diet (also called the paleo diet, caveman diet or stone-age diet). It is based on natural available foods available to Paleolithic humans, who lived more than 200 000 years ago.

You can get hold of this amazing guide with extra recipes by visiting the author.

Survival experts will often quote the “rule of THREE’s”

The need to eat is one of the primary needs of the human being. Survival experts will often quote the “rule of THREE’s” which basically tells the importance of the basic necessities of the human body. The four things that are addressed in this rule are Air, Shelter, Water and Food. It states “You can survive for 3 Minutes without air (oxygen) or in icy water. You can survive for 3 Hours without shelter in a harsh environment (unless in icy water). You can survive for 3 Days without water (if sheltered from a harsh environment) and you can survive for 3 Weeks without food (if you have water and shelter)”.

It states clearly how important food is for the human body

Though food is given the least preference over here, it states clearly how important food is for the human body. The three week mark is an absolute extreme to be honest and we would not gamble our life with it as after about a week, even getting up and sitting would feel like climbing a mountain and then it is all downhill from there onwards. Not able to move renders you completely at the mercy of the elements, water will eventually get scarce and we won’t be able to collect anymore and the cycle will repeat all over again.

What could be better than the diet of our great ancestors?

Thankfully though, most of us will not find ourselves abandoned in the wild and being left to fend for ourselves. The modern world is now a global village. Rarely can we encounter such a tricky and dangerous situation. The main point of this is to talk about the importance of a well-balanced and healthy diet. Three healthy meals a day, well balanced both in nutritional value and taste can do wonders to our body. It will even unlock those abilities which we thought were non-existent in us. Knowing this, what could be better than the diet of our great ancestors who used to roam in the wild all day and never get tired or exhausted? That thinking lead to what is now known as the “Paleo Diet.” We would be discussing this very same diet plan in detail with all its advantages and drawbacks.

The main contents of the paleo diet includes whole, unprocessed foods

The paleo diet is a way of eating as our hunter-gatherer ancestors may have eaten. The main contents of this diet includes whole, unprocessed foods in attempts to resemble the way they are found in the wilderness. If you come to think about it, our ancestors were genetically the same as modern humans. They consumed such food and literally thrived and also were free of diseases. Several modern studies done at esteemed institutes all around the globe suggest that this diet can lead to weight loss as the major benefit. Alongside this it also contributes to major improvements in health.

Eat the way we ate when we were hunting and gathering: animal protein and plants

Explaining this entire philosophy in a nutshell, it is safe to say that “Paleo diet says that we should eat the way we ate when we were hunting and gathering: animal protein and plants.” This makes the diet equally attainable for both vegans and non-vegans which will lead to benefits that are claimed. It is this benefit that makes Paleo diet number 32 in the world overall when it comes to weight loss (both short and long term), easiness in following and the health benefits achieved by this. The dos and don’ts of this diet plan are explained in the preceding paragraphs.

You can get hold of this amazing guide with extra recipes by visiting the author.

The list of the items that you can easily eat while following the Paleo diet

The list of the items that you can easily eat while following the Paleo diet are given below along with some further categorization of what exactly can be eaten:

Fruits are obviously the first on the list

Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, pears, avocados, strawberries, blueberries and more. Fruits are obviously the first on the list as what can be more nature friendly and beneficial than a fruit which grows on the very trees that nature has provided us.

Then comes the meat family

Meats: Beef, chicken, lamb and others. Then of course comes the meat family. Our ancestors used to run after and hunt all kinds of edible animals. Thankfully nowadays you don’t have to go chasing after an animal. Just take a leisurely visit to the market and get your fresh meat. This is an essential part of the Paleo diet as most non-vegans would be glad to hear.

Choose free-range, pastured or omega-3 enriched eggs

Eggs: Choose free-range, pastured or omega-3 enriched eggs. Eggs are a rich source of protein and give instant energy. Don’t restrict yourself to just chicken eggs though. Ostrich eggs are considered a delicacy in some nations. You should also use this opportunity to find out what you have been missing out on. Eggs of other birds may also be consumed at will.

Like fruits, vegetables are also filled with nature and all its nutrition

Vegetables: Broccoli, kale, peppers, onions, tomatoes, etc. Like fruits, vegetables are also filled with nature and all its nutrition. Get your hands on some greens or any other type of vegetable to enjoy this diet plan to the fullest. The vegans should also find this diet plan easy to follow as was also claimed earlier due to the inclusion of vegetables on the menu.

Nuts have great nutritional ingredients and all are excellent

Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, macadamia nuts,  hazelnuts, seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and others. Nuts have great nutritional ingredients and all are excellent. This also includes all kinds of dry fruit as well like peanuts and pistachio nuts to go with almonds and hazelnuts.

White meat of all kind are perfectly edible under this diet

Fish and Seafood: Salmon, trout, haddock, shrimp, shellfish, etc. Of course how could we miss out the whiter counterparts of meat that we have already discussed? White meat of all kind including lobsters and sea weed are perfectly edible under this diet.

Many people now think of paleo as a sample to base you food intake on. This means that food discussed here can be used occasionally if you must but try not to over use them as then the main advantages of following this diet will get cut down and limited. Also along with these you can also include, Dark Chocolate may also be consumed in small amounts from time to time as essentially chocolate comes from the seeds of the cocoa plant but be careful. Have the one that has over 60% cocoa content. Good quality dark chocolate is strangely  nutritious and considered healthy.

Drinkables: Drink plenty of water everyday as it is only beneficial to your health with zero side effects.

When it comes to hydration and keeping well, water should be the beverage of choice! After all, what could be healthier and closer to nature as a glass of crystal clear water? Drink plenty of water everyday as it is only beneficial to your health with zero side effects. Some doctors would recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water daily to keep your hydration levels at their appropriate levels but water is not the only thing that you are allowed to drink while following the Paleo diet.

You can also take tea as it is very healthy and loaded with antioxidants

You can also take tea as it is very healthy and loaded with antioxidants and many other beneficial compounds. However if you look into it deeply, green tea is best. Coffee is actually high in anti-oxidants as well. Studies show that it has many health benefits hence it can also be included in your diet for drinking time to time.

You can get hold of this amazing guide with extra recipes by visiting the author.

Foods to Avoid while in the paleo diet: letting a few things go

As this is a diet plan in the end, you cannot hope to follow it without letting a few things go! Here is a list of all the food items that you should avoid to the best extent if you want to truly gain something from following this diet plan:

Dairy: Avoid most dairy, especially low-fat (some versions of paleo do include full-fat dairy like butter and cheese). These would only make you gain weight and render all your other practices useless.

Highly Processed Foods: Everything labelled “diet” or “low-fat” or has many weird ingredients. Includes artificial meal replacements. Stick to nature! Try to find replacements to these items that include more nature friendly ingredients as they will never hurt you the way these artificial replacements will.

Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup: Soft drinks, fruit juices, table sugar, candy, pastries, ice cream and many others. Sugar is a big no! Anything that involve sugar also. This is by far the hardest element to cross off your food list as sugar literally rules the world if we come to think about it. Soft drinks, cakes, candy, and ice cream seem impossible to leave but trust us! Once you come over to the natural side, you won’t even feel the urge to use artificial sugar and the products made from it.

Grains: Includes breads and pastas, wheat, spelt, rye, barley, etc.

Vegetable Oils: Soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, corn, grapeseed oil, safflower oil and others. These oils contain fat and cholesterol that will not only make you gain weight quickly but will also leave you prone to blood pressure diseases along with heart diseases.

Trans Fats: Found in margarine and various processed foods. Usually referred to as “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” oils.

Legumes: Beans, lentils and others.

Artificial Sweeteners: Aspartame, Sucralos etc. Use natural sweeteners instead like sugar cane.

Advantages: All the health benefits you’ll be getting from your paleo diet

Of course why would anyone leave all the tasty treats of life without any gain offered in return? To answer that very question, the following is a list of all the health benefits you’ll be getting from your diet if you choose to start the Paleo diet and stick to it long enough for the benefits to start kicking in and doing their thing for the benefit of your body:

Stronger Muscles,
Increased Energy,
Significantly More Stamina,
Clearer, Smoother Skin,
Weight Loss Results,
Better Performance and Recovery,
Stronger Immune System,
Enhanced Libido,
Greater Mental Clarity,
No More Hunger/Cravings,
Thicker, Fuller Hair,
Clear Eyes. and much more..

You can get hold of this amazing guide with extra recipes by visiting the author.

Put maximum nutrition into your body and Reduce or eliminate toxins and “interference””

This just goes to show when you take aside all of the un-natural and un-healthy products and by products from your daily diet, there is not a single part of your body that does not get better in one way or another. This is the secret to the ever increasing interest of the people in the Paleo diet, making it the fastest growing eating trend in the world! The way these advantages to all the parts of the body work is by a simple two point agenda “Put maximum nutrition into your body and Reduce or eliminate toxins and “interference””.

Our cells to actually spend more time on the growth and rejuvenation of our body

The first point of this agenda is fairly obvious to understand. We want to consume as much nutrition as we can from the food untouched by the modern food production and manufacturing. The second point, linked to the first one is our bodies began to detoxify themselves and begin to better fight off foreign attacking substances and germs . (hence the response of our body to this better diet as when we avoid the toxic processed or packaged food and bring our bodies to the natural side of eating) This would in turn allow our cells to actually spend more time on the growth and rejuvenation of our body rather than just trying to fight the external elements all the time.

The result! we look, feel and perform better than before.

Well to put it into simple words, we look better than before, feel better than before and perform better than before. You are finally getting all the vitamins that your body needs and your body will thrive, allowing you to unlock those parts of your selves that even you thought were inexistent. You will feel good about yourself, feel confident and have better body language allowing you to better handle the hurdles of life as they come at you.

PaleoHacks Cookbook: The Ultimate package

Now that you are looking forward to all the health benefits that you would be able to attain by following this diet trend, you would be thinking that it would be so very easy following this right? To be honest, for some people it really is and they adapt to their new lifestyle without a hitch but not everyone is equal. You may feel tempted to returning to your old routine after just a couple of weeks. The reason? Boredom!

You will eventually get bored of eating the same things day in and day out

You will eventually get bored of eating the same things day in and day out and you would crave for something more delicious and mouthwatering. Fear not as we also bring you a solution to fight that feeling. We offer you “PaleoHacks”.!

PaleoHacks is a cook book that is essentially one of a kind

PaleoHacks is a cook book that is essentially one of a kind. It will guide you to creating beautiful and delicious dishes right at your home using only “Paleo approved” ingredients! Sure, cookbooks from a top chef are nice. But what if you had one from hundreds of living, active, healthy paleo experts? This is exactly what this cook book brings you. It is the ultimate guide for making the Paleo Diet amazingly good-tasting, fun and full of the variety that not only makes you healthier but also satisfies your taste buds and cravings.

Easily eat the Paleo diet properly without compromising on taste or convenience

That way you can easily eat the Paleo diet properly without compromising on taste or convenience. The thing that makes this book unique is the fact that it absolutely has none of the following ingredients:

No additives,
No Grains,
No Starches,
No Lentils,
No Dairy,
No Refined Sugar,
No preservatives

You will be able to create all sorts of amazing dishes

That’s right! You will be able to create all sorts of amazing dishes without the need of any of these materials that are enemies of your good health and well being. While all your friends are busy counting calories or suffering through yet another diet trend, you will be creating your own delicacies that won’t even make it look like you are actually following a diet plan yourself. And just to remind you yet again, not only will you be eating tasty and delicious food on the daily basis with the help of this one of a kind cook book, you will also be getting slimmer and losing weight as everything that you will use will help you reduce your body’s cholesterol and fat. Making you look more in shape and feeling better about yourself than before.

Special discounted with many bonuses

And just to give you an incentive and to help you make your decision better and quicker, they are also giving away gifts worth over $100 for absolutely no cost at all- that is right, absolutely free on every purchase of this cook book.
Along with that they are also giving away many other Paleo related books to help you with your diet which include:

The Paleo Hacks Cookbook

Over 125 Full-Color,
Mouth-Watering Recipes,
The PaleoHacks 30-Day Jumpstart,
The Eating Paleo at Restaurants Guide,
The Paleo Foods and Fails Guide,
The Paleo 4X Cookbook,
And The One-Month Paleo Meal Plan

Check out these helpful books from Amram Adam (available on Amazon)

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