BlueHost vs HostGator A Comparison

BlueHost vs HostGator A short comparison

Two of the most used web hosting service providers. BlueHost and HostGator battle it out to see which the superior is. Though you may prefer any of the two. We have put them to test using neutral and fair means to find out the strengths and the weaknesses of both the web hosts. BlueHost vs HostGator A Comparison  between their performance, up times and down times. Also response times, speeds, customer supports and the packages they offer has given us a fair idea of which service to use. A good idea when you go out looking for your next web service host.

We have also compared the amount of money.

We have also compared the amount of money these sites charge for their services. Now we have gotten a pretty good idea about which web host is the better in terms of its pricing as well. These factors change over time. So please visit their websites for the latest information. Let us look at BlueHost vs HostGator A Comparison. Bluehost and HostGator are long-time excellent providers in the shared hosting. Both also offer virtual and dedicated options. Ideal for a growing business. Bluehost and HostGator are undoubtedly among the most affordable and popular web hosts on the market.

For the latest deals and update information visit..
BlueHost Here and
HostGrator Here

Bluehost vs HostGator are two of the most well known companies in the web hosting industry.


BlueHost vs HostGator A Comparison primeproductshub

With the number of internet users at an all-time high, and the number of web pages being added and domains being bought on the rise day in and day out, competition is fierce. For the average internet user, speed is paramount. A web page is as good as the speed with which a user can operate it and for this purpose and some others as well, the demand of Web Hosting services have sky rocketed in the past few years. Today, there are hundreds of web hosts providing their services to the general public. Though this is a good thing as it ensures quality standards but can also be turn out to be a headache when you try and choose one for your own use.

BlueHost vs HostGator A Comparison

Two of the most reliable, widely used and recommended web hosting services are being provided by “BlueHost” and “HostGator” and often times clients find it really difficult to choose one over the other. Well today, we are going to address that very same problem. This article will provide a fair and neutral comparison of both the servers and hopefully will help you in making your decision the next time you need a web hosting service. So without further ado, here is given below is the comparison of the two:

Web hosting technology using Dual Xeon and CPU Segregation

Let’s start with the type of technologies both the hosts use and where their servers are based. When it comes to HostGator, their main server room is located in Dallas and they are currently using Dual Xeon servers. The data centers are well equipped and are ultimately linked to ten backbone service providers.

Moving over to BlueHost, they are currently using CPU Segregation Technologies which is not only a great technology but is also intelligent and prevents bad users from working on your website.

Web hosting uptime comparison over a week

Since BlueHost and HostGator are perhaps the two most widely used web hosts, it would make sense that they are both extremely good. This relates to performance. Just to give a glimpse of their superiority, both of the hosts guarantee 99.99% uptime. But to put that to the test, we needed a tool known as Pingdom. With Pingdom we were able to track the progress of a site powered by each of the two hosting services. The results we obtained after the week of observation showed the results that HostGator had just a one minute of down time in the entire week! This after after a single issue creating incident. On the other hand BlueHost saw eleven outages over the same course of time. This resulted in a total down time of more than 5 minutes. Remember, these issues are corrected over time.

Website hosting speed comparison using Pingdom

Pingdom not only monitored the uptime of the websites but also provided with the average time needed to load a website running on either of the two hosts. The results obtained were again in the favor of HostGator. As (on average) any web page took almost 1.2 seconds to load fully while that time was up a few micro-seconds for the websites hosted by BlueHost. BlueHost vs HostGator A Comparison on speed.

BlueHost vs HostGator A Comparison- computer drive photo primeproductshub

Web hosting speed comparison between BlueHost and HostGrator

As mentioned earlier, speed is a key factor in deciding whether a web host is worth trying or not. So to judge the speeds provided by the two hosts we tracked two separate websites. Using these hosts with almost the same design, blog posts and image attachments to keep the comparison as neutral as possible. The results we received indicated that the web site hosted by HostGator loaded faster than the one hosted by BlueHost. However, BlueHost keep improving their services. Please check for the latest load speed.

BlueHost vs HostGator A Comparison of customer service for websites

When it comes to running a big web hosting service smoothly with thousands of clients using your services daily, it becomes essential that you must also back up. Back up your systems by a good and fluent system of customer support. A smooth flowing customer support system will help to reduce any problems being faced by the clients. This will eventually lead to lesser downtime for the services.

The customer support services of both BlueHost and HostGator are phenomenal. They remain active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. There are numerous ways to reach the team sitting at customer support. These include e-mail, live chat, creating a ticket, or calling them with your phone. In this category we think that it is better suited to call it a tie. They are both really good when it comes to customer support.

BlueHost vs HostGator A Comparison of User Interface and ease of use:

It is important to have a user friendly and easy to navigate user interface. This will allow the users easy access to any and all the features provided. Both the websites of HostGator and BlueHost provide cPanel which is very easy to use. Applies to new users who have no past experience in installing web scripts like WordPress. Both the web hosts have a very user friendly user interface. This interface is quite easy to navigate through, allowing users to get to their required destination without much of a hassle. One thing that perhaps gives HostGator the edge here is that it provides users with the option of customizing their own web page. This allows for an even easier to use experience.

Features Provided by both providers

Even though the services provided by the two web hosts are quite similar, they packages that they both offer to the clients may differ slightly. This depends on some features and the overall pricing system of the two competitors. We will discuss some of the key differences between the two:

The disk space being provided by HostGator’s primary and BlueHost’s primary plan have this difference that HostGator provides unlimited disk space for the users while BlueHost has the limitation. For the secondary plans of the two companies, the disk space is unlimited. The bandwidth provided by both of them is unlimited regardless of the package you use. When it comes to free domains however, HostGator does not allow any free domains with any of its package but BlueHost wins it here as it provides free domains on both of its packages.

Moving onto the pricing mechanisms followed by the two one can see that BlueHost is slightly expensive than HostGator with the 1 year plan showing a difference of around a few dollars in favor of HostGator.


BlueHost vs HostGator A Comparison - cheap web hosting services primeproductshub


While they are both great host servers. Both provide reliable and fast services to their customers. Based on our experimentation we think that is safe to say that HostGator has the slightest of edges over BlueHost due to its better uptime. Overall better speed and better response time. Keeping that in view we think that statistically speaking, HostGator takes the win.  You can still choose any of the two based on your personal preferences.

BlueHost vs HostGator A Comparison for wordpress.

Bluehost’s money-back guarantee is 30 days. HostGator offers a 45-day money-back guarantee on hosting plans. Bluehost gives you a free domain name. Both host wordpress. WordPress powers over 30% of all websites on the internet. Bluehost is recommended by different hosting will have different speeds. So consider this when deciding. cPanel standard on both hostings.

For the latest deals and update information visit..
BlueHost Here and
HostGrator Here

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